Well we just had our first weekend in our new house with nothing to do except relax. It was kinda nice. We took the opportunity to nap, and play with the boys. Colin is becoming VERY interested in walking. We were sure when he was a 5 month crawler that we'd have a 9 month walker, but it seemed like once he figured out how to get around, he didn't concern himself with advancing after that (which is a good thing--especially when it's the second child!). But in the last few days, he's really started to progress in the walking area. He transforms anything and everything he can find into makeshift walkers, and will take a few steps between couches and chairs. He'll be 9 months on Friday--lets hope we get another month before the actual walking begins!

In other news we are slowly but surely meeting our neighbors. Everyone we have met so far seems really nice. Across the street we have a mom--husbands' in Iraq--with 2yr old twins (I know, right. How she does it I just don't know) Then next door there is a family with older kids. Connor probably about 10 or 11, but every afternoon he and another girl from further down the street, Holly, come by and want to play with the boys. Matthew, of course, LOVES this. He goes outside, and they play hide and seek with him, and they ride bikes and do all things little boys love doing. Down the street there are more kids. There is even a family with a 3 yr old boy and an eight month old girl, born the day after Colin. It seems like a great little neighborhood, and I'm excited to meet more people and have play dates with the ones I've already met.

So until next time....have a great day!
Hey you! I am SO excited to see you on Thursday!! :)
Nadia, You should join facebook.com. It is a really site to stay in touch with friends and family. You should check it out.
You kids are so cute!
Keep in touch!
Love Amanda
Yeah, a new Blog Buddy. I will check it out regularly. Keep the news comming. I can't believe how big the boys are!
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