I wanted to write an update on Colin--he'll be 10 months in a few days and he is getting cuter and cuter! He has recently started a great new noise--I call it "blub-blubs"--we all know and love the noise when you make a sound and then used your finger to move your lips, thus making a blub-blub. Gotta love the new sounds. He doesn't have any words, other than ba-ba (boobie), but he is definitly trying out all of the sounds. It's so different from Matthew--who would only try one new sound every two months... Colin also gives kisses, or at least I like to think that's what he's doing. I can give him a big loud "mwa" kiss on the cheek, and he leans in to my neck and says "ma." This is just the CUTEST! Colin also loves to play ball. He is very good at rolling the ball back and forth--he'll roll it when I roll it, and throw it when I bounce it. Matthew loves the fact that Colin can play with him, and the two will stay in Matthew's room for up to an hour, just entertaining each other. My other big excitement is that Colin is finally sleeping through the night. Hopefully it's not a fluke, but we finally just let him scream it out and it took one night--makes me wish I had done it sooner. Either way, Colin is a cutie, but growing up way too fast. I'll try to remember to update his various milestones, but they seem to come so quickly...